Sunday 13 January 2013

Todays Nature Report - Jan 13 - Kenosee - Picture Heavy

Went out to Kenosee today, to try to find some birds I was told about...
First thing we came across, is DEER!! White Tailed..  there were herds of them just walking down the roads.. (first group we came across was a group of 7.. walked right up to the truck!)

Then, Thanks to some info from another birder (Thanks Kathy H), we were able to spot these White Winged Crossbills! Watch for falling Pinecones is right!

Soon came across a whole bunch of Black Capped Chickadees

A NEW bird for me! A Brown Creeper! Adorable little thing, but impossible to re-find once I lost sight of it..

Next New bird was these Adorable, Beautiful Pine Grosbeak! I Loved seeing these guys!
  (Thanks to the very kind gentleman who informed me that these make appearances at his feeders!)

There were quite a few Common Redpolls (Probably Hoary Redpolls too)

And another new bird!! (Horrible pic, sorry) - White Breasted Nuthatch!

That doesnt look like a birdie in the tree to me!

Also Spotted -
Sharp Tailed Grouse
Great Horned Owl

And on the way back home, spotted these guys in a farm just outside of town!! (horrible pic, took it as we were driving past)

Be prepared for more pictures to Come!


  1. Good trip! Very nice photos! New Birds....yay!!!

    1. I was certainly doing a happy dance when i got back home!! Thanks again for the tips on birding there!!
