Monday, 30 June 2014

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Clouded Views

Out and about on drives around town, We came across this lovely view of the Parkman Grain Elevator

Looking the other way.. Equally as beautiful

Storm Clouds and a stirring of dust

Old Barn House

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Prothonotary Warbler!!!

This absolutely beautiful Warbler is not supposed to be in Saskatchewan.. It is  more commonly found in the Southeastern wooded swamps.

My first view was of this beautiful bird singing on a wire

The Brilliant orange camouflages well in the bright young leaves

The Prothonotary Warbler is one of only Two cavity nesting Warblers

Peek a Boo!!

I see you!!

(and yes, this was a NEW BIRD!!)

Friday, 27 June 2014

Our First Occupants

This year, we put up our first bluebird houses.. Unfortunately, we didnt get bluebirds, but we did get these - Adorable bug eating Tree Swallows (Maybe next year bluebirds!!)

I knew one of the swallows around the house looked different, so I went in for a camera... no sign of it once I got outside.. until I turned around... Bugger was sitting there watching me look for it.

Our new occupants..

Dont they know that isnt polite to do in mixed company? (And in public?)

Hopefully there will be babies soon!

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Moth attack!!

Lately we have been having all kinds of funky moths around!!

This first guy is the American Lappet Moth...

He Looks so funky!!

This guy is the Pheosia Rimosa, or the Black Rimmed Prominent Moth

This pretty bark imitator is the Sigmoid Prominent Moth ( This specific one I found at work one morning)

They look so much like bark it is hard it was hard to find them along the shed

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Bees, bees, Bees!

The big bumble bees are out!! YAY!!!
I think these are Tricoloured Bumble Bees

This one appeared to be sleeping...

Hooray for Bumble Bees!!!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014


Baby Cows!!! Only, they are not quite so baby anymore...

This black one was sure giving me the stare down

A group of them under the watchful eye of a baby sitter.. 

Monday, 23 June 2014

Mousey Cat

Miss Mousey Kitty makes an appearance for Kitty Monday.. Hooray Kitty!!

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Snapshots of Spring

SPRING!!! (Or NOT SNOW) is a great season here..

While heading home from the city, we spotted these two out in a field!!

BLOOMING!! I love how everything is finally blooming

Beautiful Skies...

Pumpjacks are a common thing out here...

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Backyard Birds

Some interesting birds were in the back yard in May..

This Brown thrasher sat calling for a few days... Pretty sure there is a pair nesting right now..

a LARK SPARROW!!! I had one quick glimpse of one of these a few years ago, and then nothing, so it was a surprise to find one in the back yard!

Rose Breasted Grosbeak - There were 3-4 males, and 1-2 females that we saw. The male seemed to be quite camera shy!

The little female didn't seem to care... although she DOES look a bit grumpy.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Hummingbird Fun!

The brilliantly shining Ruby Throated Hummingbird is back!!
This male was fiercely defending his feeder...

A pair of females sharing the feeder

While the top male kept watch, the second one snuck in and got a drink - before being chased off!

Looks Black in the wrong lighting...

Female in Flight

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

While hunting for warblers, I came across this tiny little beauty!! While I had seen one before in Banff, this was a first for me here.. And in the back yard too!!

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Swim, Swim, Swim!

We have a few nearby sloughs, which tend to attract all kinds of birds and wildlife!

2 Pairs of Redheads.

Muskrat!! As we were stopped taking pictures of the ducks, this not so skittish Muskrat swam by.

Then he stopped to watch me a bit.

And one beautiful sunny morning, we had 3 pairs of Bufflehead in the slough.  What a beautiful but skittish duck!

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Warblers Galore

In early may, we had a rather large amount of warblers arrive in the yard.. A few of these were new for me!!

Palm Warbler - While I had seen this beauty before, I hadnt seen one with breeding colours..

Orange Crowned Warbler.

Blackpoll Warbler - This beauty has some very very vibrant legs!!

Magnolia Warbler  - This beauty is a new one for me to have seen, and so very vibrant!

Tennessee Warbler.

A Shy Yellow Warbler.

Cape May Warbler - While I have technically 'seen' this guy before, I didnt get that good of a look at him!! What a beauty!