Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Blue Jay Portrait

Beautiful Blue Jays.. This one sat almost like he was posing!

Monday, 29 April 2013

Photogenic Blue Jays

Went out prepared this time! Bought myself some Peanuts, and brought them with.. The Blue Jays were much appreciative, and came very close!

This guy say on the pole covered in Christmas lights patiently waiting his turn at the feeder

Or was just checkin me out!

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Ice ice... everywhere!!

April 8th we woke up to discover ICE on everything! The trees were especially gorgeous, so of course I had to go out taking pictures!!

Long grasses were beautiful, but hard to photograph!

The trucks were just coated in ice as well...

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Birding in Kenosee April 9 - Picture Heavy!

Went for a nice birding adventure with Terry in Kenosee.. first off, Spotted this lovely guy..

Chickadees were out in full force!

The Purple Finch was quite close when we first got there!

Blue Jays were EVERYWHERE!! Especially once I brought out the peanuts

Dark Eyed Juncos were mostly on the ground, but a couple popped into the trees for a picture or two..

The Hairy Woodpecker made an appearance.. although he didnt really pose very well

Also Spotted -
Common Redpoll
Crow and Raven
White Breasted Nuthatch
Sharp Tailed grouse

Friday, 26 April 2013

Icy Objects

The first sign of the ice, was on the door to the kitty house.. their latch had more ice then metal!!

This was a fence I came across.. looks really awesome!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Visiting Pheasant

Spotted our lovely pheasant.. he came for a quick visit and a peek in the windows!

Went out to see and he hightailed it (get it?)

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Wildlife Around the Block...

Went for a drive around the neighbouring roads.. First Spotted this guy well camouflaged in the icy trees.. (a Squirrel was right next to the porcupine, but then took off..)

First Kestrel of the Year.. quite far out!!

Spotted my Second Porcupine.. this one a great deal closer.. quite cute! And look at the CLAWS!

Headed home, and spotted this tree just Full of Redpolls!!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

New Bird #160! - Purple Finch

Went out to Kenosee on April 9th and spotted a new bird!! The very Lovely Purple Finch!!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Almost Spring!

Spring MUST be around the corner.. somewhere.. hard to tell with all the snow and ice!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Around the Farm...

Not much goin on around here.. Kitties are getting quite big

Snow is leaving interesting markings

And i get photobombed by a cow while trying to take pictures of a pheasant (Notice the red behind the gate?)

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Kitty Kisses!!

Nothing makes me happier then cute... and these two are definitely in that category! 

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Life Bird #159 - Northern Shrike!

Went out for a drive April 3rd... and spotted this lovely guy in a tree!! Snapped a shot, went to move my car closer.. and it was gone!! 

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Must be Spring.. Somewhere!

Because it sure doesnt feel like it here!!   Some New sights to the yard are showing up.. April 3rd..

European Starling in a tree of House Sparrows

Finally got a half decent shot of the Horned Lark

Redpolls are still quite abundant here

Chickadees everywhere! (Except at my feeders)

Canada Geese flying over.. betcha they are not happy..

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Frosty MOOOs

Hoarfrost Causes the cattle to look quite cute and frosted.. Even the Bull!! Here he is with his frosted tips...

Mommy and baby got in on the action!!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Must Be Spwinter....

Not yet spring here in our neck of the woods... but still gorgeous!!

In the Bullpen after a Frosty Morning

Cattails peek out everywhere!

This was a road.. at one point of time.. now its just snowy!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Silly Kitties

With the (Warmer) weather, Ive been going for walks looking for birds.. unfortunately I usually end up with a kitty trail behind me.. they like to follow me, then when I stop to take pictures of a bird, next thing I know, Im looking at this...

So, now I get in my vehicle and drive, THEN walk... they are not happy about this development..  So cute to see them all in a row though! and holy moly they look alike!!

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Interesting Woodpecker! (and a Squirrel)

Sorry about the horrible pictures, but I thought this was awesome! a Male Hairy Woodpecker digging a hole into a tree!

And a pretty awesome Fox Squirrel just chillin

Friday, 12 April 2013

A Day in Regina

Went shopping in regina on March 26th.. Decided to have a drive around (and around, and around and AROUND) Wascana Park.. Fortunately I brought my camera!!

The Very Snow Covered Paths were very pretty!

Didnt see any birds except these lovely Canada Geese..

Wanna Seat?? Good luck!