Thursday, 19 November 2020

Ontario Trip Photos

 I saw these incredible birds on one of my ontario trips.. Some of the pictures are not the best, but I was just happy to see the birds!!
Starting with a Northern Harrier!

Next an Eastern Wood Pewee - Possibly a new bird?
Cicada shell
Ibis - possibly a glossy? I saw it while driving, stopped, and took a picture through my windshield! (NEW)
Polyphemus moth caterpillar I believe!

Yellow Billed Cuckoo (NEW)
Cicada emerging from its shell
?? not sure

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Shore Birds

Wilsons Phalarope pair - I lucked out at these beauties!

I knew what these guys were at one point.. ive since forgotten!


Saturday, 7 November 2020

Random Snaps

 Its been a LONG!! Time!!
I have finally had a bit of a break, and am going to be trying to get back into birding!
Not a whole lot has been spotted in the past few years, but heres a couple snaps I thought you might like!


Black Capped Chickadee
Chipping Sparrow